Until this point, SSFFF has operated primarily on donations from private parties and has
not received financial support from any groups or organizations.* The recent critical projects involve additional costs
and now we desperately require assistance! Simply stated, we require funding to complete the above study and we are contacting
you today to ask for support. We are seeking to raise $15,000 by the summer of 2016, and with strong backing we are confident
we can reach this goal. We do not expect one group to fund the entire amount, but are hoping that multiple strong contributions
will propel us towards full funding. The total project cost is $60,000 and SSSFF has already committed $15,000 towards
that. A combined group from the commercial sector is donating $30,000, leaving us just $15,000 short of the total cost.
By banding together with other stakeholders, we can fully fund this project and make significant strides in assuring a
strong fishery with fair public access for years to come.
In order to
accomplish our goals, we are asking for your help. Right now, we need your financial support to fund the political and scientific
goals we are trying to achieve by sending a donation to: SAVE
Please make your check, or money order, payable to "Save the Summer Flounder Fishery Fund" or "SSFFF"
Donations are not tax deductible